Fallout RPG

We all as role players try our hand at our own games at times.  There is something that we tend to see in a different light in a book or movie and then that light pops on above our heads and says ‘I should write a roleplaying game based on that!’

Sure for many of us it is just something that gets hastily written up, mostly on note paper; then all to quickly forgotten.  A long while ago a very dear gaming friend Tony Aspinall came up with his own home brewed roleplaying system for the computer game Fallout and we spent many sessions playing the game and loved it. Sure it was clunky and had mechanics issues, but it was fun which is the whole point.

Sadly Tony passed away several years ago and still to this day, everytime I hear the words Fallout it is always Tony who instantly springs to mind!

So almost twenty years since we sat down and generated our first characters for the game has passed and now we live in a digital world where we can get better access to utilities to help us make games.

Enter our good friends at Modiphius Entertainment and their announcement earlier this year that they would be releasing a full on roleplaying expansion for their excellent Fallout Wasteland Warfare miniatures game, penned by the games designer James Sherian!

Well the game was released on PDF a short while ago, but is now finally available in print and well… let’s skip the starter and go right for the main course shall we!

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