Charity Excellence Framework

50 funder lists, 8 online assessment questionnaires, 7 recovery toolkits, the funder database, its huge resource base and the Quality Mark; everything is free.To find the help and funding you want – register/login now.
Funding Finder Improvements.  I’m conscious that many of you are not professional fundraisers and some not used to using databases.  As part of the upgrade, I broadened search parameters – more funder results, but less specific.  However, I also improved the search function and, over the last week, have increased the number of funder lists by more than a third.  I’ve now narrowed the search parameters a bit.  What does that mean?  It’ll work better for everyone.    
How to get the most from Funding Finder.There are 3 options:  Geography, category and amount.  If you select all 3, it will only display results that meet all 3 criteria you’ve selected.  To find more funders:  Select less than 3 and/or select more options in the pull down boxes.If a funder says they’ll fund ‘x’, they’ll come up in searches for ‘x’. But, that won’t give you more general funders, so search more widely too.   If you’re in England, use ‘County/City’ to also find local funders.Quite a few funders don’t say much at all, so use ‘Other’ in categories to find them.    Finally, the 50 CEF funder lists do the hard work for you – download these from the income questionnaire statement on finding new funders.  
Survive And Thrive 2021 – Financial Sustainability.  It’s bad already, but is likely to get worse in the near term and the recession unlikely to end until 2022.  Everyone is hard pressed, but sustainability, needs to be part of your planning. This toolkit gives you everything you need and there’s a lite version for small charities.  The links are text versions, but download these in toolkit form from the Finance and other questionnaires.  My thanks to Moore Kingston Smith who co-produced the main toolkit.    
The Recovery Toolbox (text versions) 7 toolkits to help you make 2021 a great year for your charity – What 2021 Holds For UsFundraising Recovery StrategyReduce Cost Without Cost Cutting, Manage Cash In A Crisis, Forecasting Income.  
Free resources.  The CEF resource base is huge.  Here are just a few.  All sorts of risk resources from Ecclesiastical.  Brexit and UK data protection.  Want to engage politicians? The Write To Politicians online toolkit, is just what you need.  How to create a social media content planner.  Are you implicitly biased?  Find out using this Harvard implicit bias tool.  And how to tell if an apology is genuine, or fake.
Latest New Funders – 100+ new funding finder links – county level funder lists, disability, food and others.  Use the Recent Additions category to find the latest Covid funders and 2 new grant makers.  Make sure you don’t miss out – Login/Register Now.
New Grant makers 2020 – there’s huge competition for the well known funders, so use the new grant makers 2020 list to find those most haven’t heard about yet.   I’ve found new ways to extract data, so this should be better quality than the previous partial list, as well as having many more; total 700+.
People who will help you for free.  There’s a huge range of help from 200+ organisations, displayed in the Help section of each statement.  Editors for Impact – a network of content creators on-demand; video, imagery, graphics.CRASH – primarily helps homelessness charities and hospices with construction projects by sourcing pro-bono or discounted professional expertise and materials, and also makes grants.
Here are even more.
I’ve been asked to promote the Matthew Good Foundation, which has just opened – small charities, community projects and social enterprises who are passionate about making a difference to people, their community or the environment.
This is just a fraction of what’s available within the CEF and you can health-check any area of activity in just 30 mins; everything is free.Register or login Now

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