How to influence others positively – Paul Scanlon – Udemy

Today I did my goal of at least starting and getting through an online course once per fortnight. I had a day of online learning, one Leadership course from the brilliant Ivy House, and the other one a session on equality.

Afterwards I decided to do the hat trick and look at the course by Paul Scanlon – how to influence other positively.

This was a great wee course, that I ploughed through in a couple of hours straight sitting. It had many insights and funny stories, and raised very good points to keep note of in the future and reflect upon.

It showed through that Paul had a church background as although it never came over as a sermon, you could tell that he had clearly delivered many in the past. This is not a negative, it showed that he was a confident speaker who knew his content very well and could formulate his points, swinging round to the core messages on regular occasions.

Well worth a look and very well priced if you just want something to make you think while listening to it as a podcast, out jogging or traveling on the bus.

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