Viral Outbreak Minatures

Viral Outbreak Miniatures by Not-So-Bored-Games Reviewed by George Fyvie 18/8/2018

Having a click through Kickstarter, on my hunt for some unusual 28mm models to use as new characters for Mantic’s the Walking Dead, I encountered Not-so-bored-games.

They had a selection of new miniature sculpts on display which were perfect for Pandemic – fortunately for me they looked perfect for Mantic’s the Walking Dead as well!

The cost of the Kickstarter I went for was small, roughly £18 for 7 miniatures, one of which was in a Hazmat suit, and one in a Wheelchair – both unusual enough that I thought they would make excellent characters.

Not-so-bored-games were excellent with their communication, with over 64 updates keeping backer’s informed of what stage the tooling was at and when estimated release dates were going to be.  The project launched in September and within 8 months I had the final product in my hands.


I received 7 fantastic sculpts as promised, along with over 30 different coloured bases that the models pop into to enlarge the bases if so desired.  This enables you to use the models with a large selection of board games as well as use them with table top wargames.

When the models arrived one of them was bent over slightly, as it had some postage trauma, however the material is similar to that of Mantic’s models and a couple of seconds in a warm cup of water made the model pliable enough to repose.

Painting them were a pleasure – I am not a good painter by any means, but a simple undercoat spray, base coat and quick wash and they look fantastic.

I have now made character cards for all 7 as originally planned and really enjoy playing with them.


My only regret was only going for the base set and not buying the whole range of 23 miniatures!

Currently the miniatures are available on Amazon US and directly from Not-So-Bored-Games

A second wave of miniatures are planned for some time in the future.