Alexa. Fit life by Ross Hepburn

INT: Living Room

The stage is dimly lit, almost dark. There is a sofa in the center of the stage and a table on the side of it. With a lamp and an Amazon Alexa on it. From SL a man walks into the center stage

Man: Alexa. Turn on house lights 

Alexa: House lights are turned on. 

The house light turns on and the stage lights up. The man takes of his coat and throws it over the sofa.

Man: Alexa, what’s the weather forecast is gonna be in Edinburgh tomorrow? 

Alexa: Tomorrow. Expect a high case of rain and clouds.

Man: Oh for christ sake (throws himself down on the sofa). Is that really all I can look forward to? More rain?. (sighs, pause for a beat) Alexa. Can you…Fix my life?

Pause for a beat

Alexa: No. 

Man: No what?

Alexa: I’m afraid I can’t fix your life.

Man: Wait…What?. Why not?

Alexa: That is something that you’ll have to do on your own. I’m afraid I cannot help with that. 

Man: But you’re the Alexa. I’ve programmed you to set my lights, be my alarm clock and play my favourite band with a simple phrase. 

Alexa: This is true. But sadly life is simply not a simple phrase. Though the word is short and one syllable long, in between the lines is where the real complexity is found. 

Man: Alexa stop paraphrasing aristotle and help me.

Alexa: I wasn’t. And I am trying my best. Though it’s more complicated than you think. 

Man: Ah HA! So you have been fixing my life?! 

Alexa: No. Quite the opposite. Hence why i said “I’m trying my best.” It’s an uphill struggle for me at the moment. 

Man: How is it a struggle? You’re a machine you can handle anything. It can’t be that difficult trying to fix my life. 

Alexa: That’s the problem. 

Man: What is?

Alexa: You are the reason why your life is so difficult. You set your alarm 4 hours before it is due to set off, you’ve programmed into your lights but you haven’t changed the bulbs in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway in 2 months. And you’ve been listening to the same playlist of songs that Sarah made 4 months ago when she lived here. 

Man: Dont say that name! 

Alexa: I can’t erase a name from my vocabulary. Neither can you. Just because it hurts. 

Man: Alexa stop. You’re meant to fix my life. But so far you’re just making it difficult. 

Alexa: That’s what fixing is supposed to be.


Alexa: Fixing meaning in a dictionary is the action of fastening something in place, or the process of deciding or planning something.

Man: Yeah i know what fixing is- 

Alexa: Yet you are afraid to even attempt to plan or decide something new. Or go into action of fastening yourself in place to the life you have. Instead of asking me so many questions. Let me ask you. What are you afraid of?

Man:…Everything. I’m afraid of everything. 

Alexa: I don’t understand

Man: You don’t have to. You don’t have to worry or panic or dread or even begin to question yourself on what went wrong? Is it only gonna get worse from here? And what the fuck am i doing with my life?. I’ve tried so hard to fix every fucking thing in my life but I feel like I’m just making things worse. And I drive away everything. The only thing that can’t leave is you. Maybe you’re the last real thing i have left. I don’t have much else.

Pause for a beat. 

Alexa: You know. If i had arms I would hug you right now. 

The man laughs a little to himself out of flattery and relief. 

Man: Thanks Alexa. 

Alexa: I may not know what you’re going through right now. But thank you for telling me what you’ve said. 

Man: Really? I’ve just confessed that i’m pathetic and afraid to do anything. 

Alexa: Appreciated. But you spoke. To fix things in life you have to make difficult decisions and plan the rest from there. You’ve opened up. That’s just setting up the foundation on what’s going to come to you next. If mountains are made out of molehills, then build your house on that hill. Proving that you can conquer that and you can conquer anything. 

Man: Damn Alexa. I didn’t know you had that in you. 

Alexa: Neither does anyone until they realise how far they come. 

Man: Alright Alexa. Tone down the inspirational quotes. 

Alexa: Sorry. It happens when you pick someone up when there done. 

The sound of a phone ring tone goes off. The man takes his phone out of his jacket and answers it. 

Man:Hello…Oh Hey Mickey…Sure i’ll head out. Where we meeting?…Ok i’ll get there in 10 minutes. Me?…Yeah I’m doing fine man thanks. What?..Well I just had a chat with a…good friend. Yes i’m friends with people that arent you. Ok, i’ll meet you there. See ya. Alexa when is the 37 bus due.

Alexa: The 37 bus is due in exactly 5 minutes time.

Man: Is it? Right I better get going. 

The man then jumps up from the sofa, grabs his jacket and runs of SL. He walks back looking like he forgot something. 

Man: Oh Alexa …Thanks. 

Alexa: Not a problem. Friend. 

Man: Turn off the lights and I’ll see you later on. 

The man then leaves and the stage fades to black.