Devious Devil by Amy Fyvie

Devious Devil

Amy Fyvie

I’m not like a normal pirate,

for me things are different,

I never wanted to be a pirate.

I wanted to do something decent but couldn’t make enough money, and being a pirate means you don’t have to pay rent or bills and you can always steal food.

I am the lookout on our ship, the Devious Devil.

Being a pirate isn’t all fun.

I often have to clean the ship which is absolutely disgusting and there have been a few instances where we were caught in a crime and only just got away with our lives, there are times when the crew fall out with each other, but that’s only natural.

Otherwise being a pirate is alright, although I do wish today was like last week, last week was incredible!

It was Saturday the 1st of March 1632, we had disguised the Devious Devil as an English cargo ship.

I spotted a storm brewing in front of us so I shouted, but I couldn’t hear a reply, I shouted again hoping the crew just had not heard me the first time, but, again no reply.

I climbed down to the ship deck to inform the others.

I searched every inch of the Devious Devil, the main deck, storage, our pathetic kitchen and even the captains quarters!

Only when I looked near the wheel did I see the crew passed out on the deck from alcohol.

I tried to wake up each of them one by one but I didn’t even get a wink.

Something clicked in my head and I remembered THE STORM!

I looked up towards the storm there was almost no way we could escape it by now!

I hastily jumped up to the wheel and tried to turn the ship,

I had never steered a boat before, but somehow the adrenalin that was pumping through my body told what to do.

I span around as fast as I could but we wouldn’t be able to avoid it.

The front of the ship started to dip into the storm, I kept trying to turn hoping that we could make it out but we just sank into the storm like it was gobbling us up.

The clouds were like charcoal in a furnace – a dark grey that was almost black clouded my vision, except for the occasional flashes of lightning and bangs as thunder struck.

I may have not been able to see but, I could FEEL the ship was moving, I BELIEVED that we were turning and making our way out of the storm.

However we weren’t, we were turning around, and around in a circle.

Realizing this I stopped turning, and the front of our ship started to slowly pull out of the clouds.

We were safe, for now, I sighed in relief.

I heard my crew waking up and I turned to face them, then I noticed, a ship behind us on the horizon, our arch-enemy’s the Cutlass Crew…