Crooked Dice Games V

Clearly I am no painter, but even me with my magic “Army Painter Quick Shade” skills can make these guys look passable.

Absolutely fantastic minature’s, my only gripe is there isn’t more of them yet! I absolutely loved V – so much so I have multiple copies of all the books and all the comics…. I won’t even go into the DVD collection (or “dust gatherers” as my wife calls my collections).

These Minature’s come with alternative alien “lizard” heads on the base of the sprue, so you can double over a second set of minatures if you like (or in my case, savage those spare walking dead starter kit doublers).

I have the base game, which is due for an unboxing soon, however just looking at the minatures makes me happy enough, so actually using them in a game isn’t ever going to be top priority.

These should have been made years ago!!! next up in this range is the Planet of the Apes minatures by Crooked Dice Games.

George Fyvie