It’s a Crime by KJC Games

It’s a crime – the original Play by Mail game by KJC Games…. Now there is a blast from the past.

I used to play its a crime constantly, that and the spin off Gang Vs Gang.

It's A Crime Banner

You start off in It’s a Crime with a small gang of Pro’s, Punks and New Recruits in a single city block.

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You can scout the blocks adjacent to you and take control of them, extorting the residents and businesses found within to further fund your gang.

Standard Turn Card.

There is now a simple graphics version you can log into online!

You have a variety of orders from robbing buildings, to mugging people, to ambushing other gangs on their turf.

There is options to buy and sell drugs and weapons and special orders are released every so often such as “be nice” to a blocks residents to warm them towards you.

The objective is to either take out the other gangs in the city, or make powerful enough alliances to become the godfather of the city.

Around turn 20 a mob boss section starts if you are powerful enough, giving an entirely new level to the game!

Absolutely awesome! If you want to join in the same game as me and take over an inactive gang, them email me and I will send you a link

Have fun and remember… It’s a crime!

It's A Crime Banner