Mum of Christmas past by Ross Hepburn

As the second hand of the clock reached 9, the school bell rang out and a mass of eagerly excited students escaped from Drumfox Primary School at 12:45 to celebrate christmas.

They all put on their coats and colourful hats and gloves and leave with their hand made christmas cards made from multi coloured paper, stick glue and glitter. 

Every student ran towards their parents, greeting their mothers and fathers and excitedly head home to count down the final days until christmas. 

Everyone apart from 7 year old Timmy Laing. Timmy was walking home all by himself, head hanging down staring at the ground as he was walking past his school friends. 

Christmas hadn’t been the same for timmy and his house since his mother passed away on christmas eve, just a year ago. Timmy’s mother was the magic that made christmas magical. With her love of bright coloured decorations, amazing cooking and just the warmth of being the perfect house guest at christmas. 

But then that one year came when mum got sick. She fell asleep the day before christmas eve and didn’t wake up. And just like that Christmas wasn’t the same ever again. 

Timmy’s father worked offshore, so he wouldn’t home until christmas day itself. Looking after Timmy was his dreaded aunt Maggie. The oldest and meaner sister to his mother. Along with her son Bernie, who she home schooled to be a spoilt brat. 

On the way home, Timmy stopped by the graveyard next door to his house. His mother was buried there. Before going home Timmy approached a massive marble grave stone. Engraved on the stone was a poem: 

Here lies Annabelle 

Wife and mother 

She was rich in love 

And loved like no other 

Timmy looked at the grave. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a bright red envelope. Written on it was “Mum” spelt out in green glitter. 

“Merry Christmas mum” said Timmy. As he wipes a tear off his face, he placed the card on top of the massive gravestone and walked home. 

Back home in the small, dimly lit house with smoke billowing out the chimney. He looked into the window and saw Ernie having a whole victoria sponge cake to himself. Cream and jam covered his face. 

His aunt maggie was standing over the kitchen stove, no doubt burning water by the looks of things. She wasn’t as good a cook as Timmy’s mum. He let out a deep sigh to himself and opened the front door. 

“CLOSE THE DOOR IDIOT! YOU’RE LETTING THE COLD IN!” Screamed Aunt Maggie from the kitchen. 

“What time do you call this?”

Even though it was 4 o’clock, Ernie piped in with his smart know it all attitude “It’s half past 11 mummy!” Said Ernie spraying the kitchen table with bits of sponge cake. 

“…It’s 4 o’clock” Said Timmy shyly. 

“No it isn’t Liar!” Said Ernie, he hated more than anything to be proven wrong. Especially around Timmy who is a lot smarter than Ernie.

“It’s alright Ernie sweetie. He says it’s 4 o’clock but it’s actually 11 o’clock outside!” Screamed Aunt Maggie.

“It’s dark out! I’ve told you too many times to be home before it gets dark”

“It doesn’t take me that long to get home. It’s just winter getting dark early” Said Timmy. Who was right but Aunt Maggie was having none of it. 

“Are you being smart with me?!” Said Aunt Maggie

“He is mummy. He’s being a rude boy!” Said Ernie adding fuel to his mother’s fiery temper. 

“Ernie you are 9 years old. Stop calling her mummy all the time” Said Timmy. 

“DON’T TELL HIM WHAT TO DO YOU LITTLE JERK!” Aunt Maggie screamed in his face.

 “He does what he’s told and always behaves himself. You know it’s a blessing your mother died when she did. If she saw you now she would die of shame…”

Without saying a word Aunt maggie realises where Timmy had been. 

“…Oh. That’s where you’ve been. Ernie, be a good boy and run to auntie Annabelle’s grave would you please?” Asked aunt Maggie 

Ernie looked at Timmy with a malicious smile. “Sure mummy”

Ernie put his coat on which was 2 sizes too small to fit his wide and round figure. He put on his big chunky black boots and left the house. 

“He’s not going to find anything there” lied Timmy

“I beg to differ” Said aunt Maggie.

She walked over to the mantle piece above the fireplace. On top of it are 4 brightly coloured christmas cards. 3 are from Ernie to his mum and the last 1 is to Timmy from his dad. 

“As you can see Tim. I got 3 cards from Ernie…THREE CARDS!. And you got a card from your dad” said aunt Maggie.

“Uh huh…and?” asked Timmy

“Where’s your card for me Tim?” 

“WHAT?!” asked Timmy surprised 

“You heard…I said where is your card for ME?!” said aunt Maggie 

Maggie moved closer and closer to Timmy making him feel more anxious. “You’ve got enough cards from Ernie”. Timmy stated. 

“I know. But I want to know why I didn’t get a card from you. After all I’ve looked after you for the last 11 months. Don’t you like me timmy?” Said Maggie more and more aggressively.

“Well…Uh…” Timmy was getting more and more nervous. 

“Do you?! I’m asking you a question!” aunt Maggie was now red with rage. 

“No! I don’t like you. I hate you. I wish you and Ernie didn’t come here to look after me!” Screamed timmy with tears streaming down his face in fear and anger. Just as timmy stopped screaming Ernie walked through the front door of the house. 

“I’m back mummy”. Said Ernie. 

“Ahh Ernie. Welcome back. Tell me Ernie, did you find anything at auntie Annabelle’s grave? Hmm?” Said aunt Maggie. Knowing full well what to expect. 

“Well mummy…I found this!” said Ernie smugly as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the christmas card Timmy got his mother.  

“NO! Put that back” Timmy shouted as he reached to get the card back. Ernie put the card behind his back while aunt Maggie walked behind him and got the card. 

“Thank you sweetpea” 

Timmy turned to try and reach the card from his aunt Maggie. But Ernie grabbed Timmy from his arms and put his arms around his back holding him still. Timmy struggled trying to break free. Aunt Maggie opened the envelope and looked at the card on the inside. 

“Aww boo hoo” aunt Maggie mocked Timmy. “Well you wasted all this paint and paper writing a card for someone who is never going to see it!” 

Maggie stepped in front of the fireplace. She opened the door covering the fire and then ripped up the card and threw it on to the fire. 

Timmy screamed crying in heartbreak and horror “NOOOOOO!” 

“I don’t see why you are so upset Timmy. Your mum’s finally going to see it” Maggie and Ernie laugh as Timmy cried while being held hostage by Ernie’s big chunky arms.

“Well you might not want me here. But I don’t want to see you until Christmas is over!” Shouted aunt Maggie. 

She grabbed Timmy by the color of his coat and dragged him to the garden shed. The wind was blowing cold and frosty outside the house and the shed was going to be as cold as a fridge. Aunt Maggie opened the shed door, threw Timmy inside and locked the door. 

As she looked through the window, to find Timmy struggling to try and open it from the inside. She patted the shed window and looked to Timmy. “Merry Christmas Timmy” 

Thunder began to crack in the sky and the wind blew more violent and colder. Almost as if ice was forming in the air. 

“Storms coming. Don’t get cold now!” Laughed Aunt Maggie, as she made her way back into the house. 

As dark clouds began to fill the sky and smoke from the chimney coming from the house, the ashes of Timmy’s christmas card lit up in the air. Lighting struck down in the graveyard as a hand breaks from the soft earth soaked from the heavy rain coming from the storm.

Later in the evening. Maggie and Ernie were sitting at the table. Ernie was halfway through eating his second victoria sponge cake which he ate at an accelerated pace. 

“Slow down honey pie. You’ll spoil your appetite for pudding.” Said Maggie

“I love Christmas pudding mummy!” Said Ernie with his mouthful of cake. 

“I Know you do sweetheart” 

“Mummy. You know how Timmy is locked in the shed?” asked Ernie. 

“Yes dear”

“Does that mean I can have his christmas presents?” asked Ernie

“Of course you can. Those presents are for good little boys and you are the best little boy I know.” said Maggie. 

Ernie cheered to himself “YAY!”

Without warning the lights went out over the dinner table and all through the house. 

“What’s wrong with the lights?” Ernie asked concerned. Despite his size and age he was still afraid of the dark. 

“Oh it’s probably Timmy trying to be funny and scare us” said Maggie as she got up from the kitchen table. She looked out the back window towards the shed and couldn’t see Timmy at all.

From behind she heard the front door slam open wide as the heavy gusts of wind and rain could be heard from the dining table. 

“Just as I thought” Maggie said to herself. She charged her way to the front door. 

“I thought I told you to close the d-” Ernie and Maggie stood in shock as a dark figure stood in the hallway silhouetted from behind by the storm.

“What…Do you want? Said Maggie quivering in fear. She moved closer and closer to the figure using Ernie as a shield. Silence from the figure began to fill the air. 

“Answer me!” Screamed Maggie. 

“MMMARRRGGREETT!” said the figure. Maggie’s eyes widened in horror as lighting struck, luminating the figure in front of her. It was Annabelle…Back from the dead.

Maggie hadn’t seen her sister since the funeral and now she was seeing her again. But with rotted skin and white eyes, covered in the earth she clawed herself from. 

“YOU HURT MY SON!” Annabelle pointed at Maggie. 

“No no no no not at all. Don’t be silly” said Maggie shaking in fear. 

“I know when you’re lying to me big sister. You ruined his life…So now I’LL END YOURS!” 

Maggie screamed and threw Ernie to the zombie Annabelle. She caught him in one hand and with one arm picked him up by the neck despite his size and weight. 

Maggie walked back in horror as she watched Annabelle walk slowly more and more towards her. Ernie struggled to break free from Annabelle’s grip. Annabelle then kicked open the fire door and shoved Ernie into the fire, head first, stuffing him all the way in. 

“ERNIE!” Maggie screamed in heartbreak and horror as she watched Ernie bake in the fire. 

“What are you upset for? You’re joining him shortly” Said Annabelle. She continued to walk towards Maggie. Following her out towards the garden shed. 

As Maggie was walking backwards she suddenly fell and began to crawl backwards away from Annabelle.

“Anna please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt Timmy. I’m just not good at being a mother like you were.” Maggie felt a spade from underneath her hands. She picked it up and tried to swing at Annabelle. But it’s no good

Annabelle caught the spade with one hand and took it from Maggie.

“You might not want me here. But I don’t want to see you…EVER AGAIN!” snarled Annabelle. 

With one swift swoop, Annabelle bashed Maggie on the head, leaving her dead on the ground. After the storm died down, Annabelle walked over to the shed. She broke the shed open to find Timmy curled up in a ball underneath the work bench. Timmy looked up from his knees and saw his zombie mum and she wasn’t frightening him. In the slightest. 

“It’s OK Timmy. Their gone now” said Annabelle, sounding like she used to. Timmy got out of his ball and made his way out of the shed. 

“Hold this” said Annabelle. Handing him the spade. She went back into the house and picked up some rubbish bags. Because whenever there was a mess at Christmas Timmy’s mother always had rubbish bags ready.

She filled one rubbish bag with aunt Maggie and another with Ernie. “Come on Timmy. We need to go to the bins.” 

They made their way back through the graveyard and made their way to Annabelle’s grave. Annabelle then threw the bags of Ernie and Maggie into the hole.

“Ok. Now I need you to help me. Will you help me put all the dirt back into the hole?” Asked Annabelle standing next to the massive mound of dirt when she made her way out. Through the night, Timmy and his zombie put the dirt back into the grave. Good as new. 

“Well That’s that.” Said Annabelle happily. 

“Yep. They’re all gone. But what about you?” Asked Timmy. 

Just as he asked the sun came up shining on Annabelle. Her decayed zombie skin flakes away and floats off her like dying autumn leaves on a tree. Annabelle stood as the spirit. A light blue glow luminated her as she looked to Timmy what she looked like before. 

Timmy’s eyes welled up with tears, but a smile appeared on his face. 

“I got your card. And I knew I had to come see you” Said Annabelle. 

“Does this mean you’re going to stay mum?” asked Timmy with hope. “I can’t. I have to go. My time is done” said Annabelle. 

“But I don’t want you to leave. Nothing is the same anymore and I hate it. I just want you home” Timmy broke down on the grave 

Annabelle reached down beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. 

“Listen Timmy. I wasn’t here for a long time. But in that time I spent with you was the best part of it. I wouldn’t replace all the time I’ve spent with you for a second. I may not be around but I am still here. You will always remember me and that will keep me alive” said Annabelle

Timmy wiped the tears from his face and looked at his mother. 

“Will you be here when I need you?” Asked Timmy.

“Always and forever” 

“I love you mum” Said Timmy. He hugged his mother for the last time and doesn’t consider letting go. As they continue to hold each other, Annabelle begins to fade away and turn into a glowing orb. It shoots to the sky and explodes into snow. 

For the first christmas in a long time. Timmy smiled.