Amber – Amy Fyvie

AMBER by Amy Fyvie aged 10.

“Goodnight” said Amber, a young girl who had Ginger hair and lots of freckles, to her Husky Alpha.
“Maybe one day, we will get out of this orphanage”.
The orphanage was scary enough by itself, but with the howling lightning, thunder and rain outside, it was terrifying.
Amber was woken up by a crack of thunder, she opened her eyes and was startled to see what looked like wood all around her instead of a bare brick wall, almost as if she was inside a giant tree.
“Alpha, where are you?” she said quickly, but he wasn’t there.
Then as if by magic, a hole started to open in the tree, it was expanding as if it would never stop but yet on the other side of the ever-growing hole was Alpha, fighting a wolf, with a wolf pack around them in front of a dark cave!
Amber climbed through just in time to get a gruesome view of Alpha biting into the other wolfs neck and it scuttling away, tail between its legs!
The whole pack in synchronisation bowed down to Alpha and howled.
Alpha whispered something along the way of the wolf.
Amber closed her eyes in disbelief, when she opened them, alpha was in front of her.
“Are you okay?” asked Alpha, in a gentle whisper.
“Alpha? You can talk?” replied Amber.
“I have always been able to talk, you just couldn’t understand me.”
Just as he finished, from the cave in front of them, came a mighty roar that sent a shiver down their backs.
This roar was icy and sharp, but soft and smooth somehow at the same time.
All of the wolves stood, with arched backs and fur standing up on end, growling.
“The creature.” whispered Alpha
“The creature?” repeated Amber.
“Yes, we believe there is a creature living in that cave”
“I wonder what it can be?” Amber said bravely.
Something was drawing her in. She knew she had to enter the cave.
“No stop! it’s too dangerous! “said Alpha
Amber didn’t seem to hear him, instead she walked off into the cave.
Amber was trembling, but she kept going on anyway until she met a dead end.
All she saw was a little crack in the wall that she could just squeeze through.
When she went through she saw a small room with mathematical markings on the walls.
A little blue snake was lying on the ground, she went over and she touched it.
It had a soft smooth body, and she noticed there were small black triangles on it and it wore a white feathered head dress.
As she slid her hand down the slick body she discovered a deep cut.
“Ow” she heard a soft whisper.
As soon as she heard this voice all of her fears seemed to vanish and Amber seemed to know what she needed to do.
She ran out of the cave carrying the blue snake, her face was bright red, and she just ignored Alpha who seemed as though he was asking thousands of questions.
“Get me some lavender, now!”
So, Alpha send three of his wolves out to look for the lavender that Amber requested as she held the snake in the water.
“Also, get me a big stone” she requested
“You heard her” said Alpha “Go”
A few other wolves went to find the stone
“what are you doing?” asked Alpha
“I am healing it” she replied
“Are you sure you know what you are doing?” asked Alpha “This could be the monster from the cave”
At this point the other wolves came back and placed the lavender by Amber.
The wolves looking for the stone came back almost at the same time with a long stone, that on one end was big and rounded, but on the other was small and pointed.
Amber put down the snake and began to crush the lavender, then placed the mush on the wound.
They waited just staring at the strange creature, until it started to open its tiny eyes.
It was almost as if you could see the entire galaxy in its eyes! You could get lost just staring into them.
“Thank you, Amber” the creature said, rather unsteadily.
Amber having been sitting down, was so startled the creature knew her name, that she jumped up to her feet.
“What are you, who are you?” she said without thinking
“I am Quiver” said the creature, starting to float in mid-air. “It is a great secret what I am, but you are special so I shall tell you. Sit down my child”
Amber sat back down, staring at the creature.
“I am what you may not believe me to be, for I am a ……. Dragon. And so, my dear, are YOU!”
Amber gasped
“Please do not worry, I am telling the truth! You see, due to a great war, all dragons had to go into hiding. I am amazed at your abilities though.”
Amber stared in shock
“You see, every dragon is born with a special trait, mine is wisdom, but you have the rarest ability of all, the ability of healing – and that is how you helped me. Due to this ability, your goal and purpose must be to help all dragons in need.”
Amber flushed with pride
“You my dear, may be the last dragon alive that has the healing trait. Please help us. You can take your furry friends with you on this task.”
Amber somehow knew deep in her heart that this was true.
“Alpha?” said Amber “Please can we do this? I have a feeling that this is really what I am destined for” begged Amber.
“I will go wherever you go, and my pack will follow” replied Alpha unsurely.
And so, began the adventures of Quiver the dragon, Alpha and his pack of wolves and Amber, the girl who was destined to bring dragons back into the world of humans.
But that is another story for another day.